Modern Slavery Statement
Company Overview
Established in 2019, Spiritrade Limited was the first dedicated drinks exchange for the B2B Drinks Industry. Spiritrade now trades successfully in more than 100 countries selling beers, wines, Spirits, and champagnes employs around 20 people in its London Headquarters.
Policies and Principles
We recognise our obligations under the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and are committed to conducting business ethically and to ensuring that the risk of modern slavery and human trafficking is mitigated within our business and supply chain. We consider modern slavery to encompass human trafficking, forced work, being owned by an employer, being physically constrained, dehumanised or bought or sold as a commodity or being denied freedom of movement. We understand that our commitment requires an ongoing review of our procedures and business relationships. We pledge to refrain from conducting business with any individual or organisation that is found to engage in or support any form of modern slavery.
All our employees are engaged either on full-time or part-time contracted with guaranteed-hours contracts and no offers of employment are made on a zero-hours basis. We strictly adhere to but often far exceed the minimum standards required in relation to our responsibilities under relevant employment legislation in the United Kingdom. All employees are offered competitive remuneration packages and are assessed regularly to gauge levels of achievement, satisfaction and career progression.
Potential Exposure and Steps Taken
We consider our exposure to modern slavery to be limited, but have implemented the following measures in order to guard against such practices taking place within our own business and in those of our supply chain and customer base:
In accordance with section 54(4) of the Modern slavery Act 2015 we always carry out careful due diligence on any potential supplier and recently contacted all our existing members in order to explain our zero tolerance stance on modern slavery and to ensure that that this is not taking place with their organisations.
We have made it clear to all these organisations that we expect them to inform us of any infringements to this policy and have encouraged contacts within these companies to let us know of any such incidents.
To date we have not been advised of any such incidents.
Staff Training
All new members of staff undertake a thorough induction process which includes learning about our company policies relating to standards of behaviour. As a small company where all staff members are in frequent contact with one another, these standards are very evident and easily adopted by new members of staff. New members of the team are always provided with a Spiritrade Employee handbook.
Assessment of Effectiveness in combatting Modern Slavery
Details of all active suppliers are kept up to date on the Spiritrade Platform and software used by those members of staff who deal with our supply chain are aware of their responsibility to report any concerns regarding modern slavery to the person responsible for enforcing the company policy.
This statement is made in pursuance of section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2010 and was improved by the organisation’s Directors in February 2023 and we undertake to review this policy every financial year.